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Weird or Confusing

Oddities, Pranks, and a few things that make noooo sense

Instant Underpants

Not too unlike instant noodles

Another item that falls under the ever-popular “just add water” category, seems to have no shortage of interesting and extremely useful items. That being said though, these instant underpants will provide you with an instant conundrum… if I’ve wet my underpants, what use are instant underpants if they too have to be wet.

Well, unlike most of life’s conundrums, I’ll give you the answer to this one, it’s really simple. Wet (with water) underpants are better than wet (with something that’s not water) or dirty underpants. Or more importantly, wet underpants are better than no underpants at all. Especially in winter.

Now the final important feature here is that these are “one size fits most” which itself seems like it can’t quite be true, but the only real way to know if these will get you out of a tight situation is to grab a couple and run a safe test in the warm confinements of your own home.

Instant Underpants on Amazon

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