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Weird or Confusing

Oddities, Pranks, and a few things that make noooo sense

Never Ending Happy Birthday Card

Annoying tunes AND glitter, just about as evil as it comes

This birthday card definitely falls into the #1 smart and evil ideas on this site, there are a few well-thought-out features that make it as elaborate as it is. In fact, I can give you a very clear play-by-play of how this goes.

  1. Gift the card, and everyone is happy
  2. Someone presses the button, which behind a painful never-ending tune
  3. Everyone starts to go insane, trying to hide said card
  4. Someone gets the smart idea to rip open the card to pull out the battery
  5. Glitter and confetti everywhere
  6. Friendship over, everyone is sad

Now that’s said, you can go into the idea of gifting this card with the entire 1 possible scenario completely drawn out and clear in your head. Honestly more much needs to be said.

Never Ending Happy Birthday Card on Amazon